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Paris, 2024
Pateau Consultants is conducting several cross-cultural sessions for Sonepar, a leading technical solutions provider to electrical industry professionals.  

Lyon, March 12th, 2024
Jacques Pateau is Key Note speaker at the annual EMEA meeting of EJ, the world leader in access solutions. Topic : "The importance of culture for sustainable development."

Paris-Bonn, February-September 2024
Pateau Consultants continues to support Buyin, the JV of Deutsche Telekom and Orange through on-line and face-to-face coaching and cross-cultural training. 

Mannheim, September 24th-25th, 2024
Prof. Pateau facilitates a cross-cultural seminar for MBA' students at the Mannheim Business School, the leading business school in Gerrmany 




Going international, building and developing multicultural teams, successfully integrating,… all presuppose method, coherence, consistence and monitoring.

At every stage of your organization's growth, we help you to analyze your needs, establish your priorities and make the best choices. The tools we offer extend from auditing through to training via individual coaching and intercultural mediation.

[ Consulting : read more ]


The trigger

In companies where international expansion is recent, team cohesion and motivation depend on an awareness of the impact of the culture factor and the relativity of value systems, behavior and organization.

The insights that we provide help you to avoid misunderstandings and identify the potential conflict risks as well as the opportunities for synergy in any intercultural cooperation process.

[ Sensitization : read more ]



An expert's foreign assignment or an expatriation means first giving up the comfort of one's own culture in order to develop the openness, capacity to adapt and autonomy needed to perform in new and uncertain contexts.

Our experts' experience allows you to adapt your communication, negotiation and management style and to acquire the in-depth knowledge of your target countries that will be immediately applicable in your daily interactions.

[ Adaptation : read more ]


Common Ground

Building and developing multicultural teams, whether real or virtual, requires an understanding of differences, a mastering of the mechanics of integration and an awareness of the underlying logic of those concerned.

The Pateau Consultants team has well-established know-how in this field that allows fears to be overcome, divergences to be expressed and thus creates trust within the team and added value for the company.

[ Integration : read more ]

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