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Paris, 2024
Pateau Consultants is conducting several cross-cultural sessions for Sonepar, a leading technical solutions provider to electrical industry professionals.  

Lyon, March 12th, 2024
Jacques Pateau is Key Note speaker at the annual EMEA meeting of EJ, the world leader in access solutions. Topic : "The importance of culture for sustainable development."

Paris-Bonn, February-September 2024
Pateau Consultants continues to support Buyin, the JV of Deutsche Telekom and Orange through on-line and face-to-face coaching and cross-cultural training. 

Mannheim, September 24th-25th, 2024
Prof. Pateau facilitates a cross-cultural seminar for MBA' students at the Mannheim Business School, the leading business school in Gerrmany 

Events / 1995

Some highlights of the year

Corporate culture or national culture
IEP, Paris, January 31, 1995

Jacques Pateau participated in a conference-debate with the sociologist Renaud Sainssaulieu, at Paris' Institute for Political Studies. The theme was “Les cultures de l'entreprise. La logique de l'action rationnelle et les contingences des civilisations. L'exemple du Franco-allemand.” (A Company's Cultures. The logic of rational action and the contingencies of civilizations. The Franco-German example.).

Start-up in South Carolina
April 23, 24 and 25, 1995

Niko Hale and Jacques Pateau organized an intercultural seminar in Andersen (South Carolina) for the firm Plastic Omnium. The first phase of training, organized for the spouses of the French expatriates, was followed by a teambuilding session for the Franco-American teams involved in the start-up of the factory in Andersen.

Telescopia session for G7
February 25, 1995

France Télécom and La Sept/Arte produced an interactive conference on intercultural communication during the G7 meeting in Brussels that was hosted by Jacques Pateau. The program was simultaneously broadcast in Berlin, Brussels, Mexico, Paris and Seoul.

Capitalizing on the intercultural experience
Paris, November 1995

Jacques Pateau finished producing a 70-minute film for Aéospatiale entitled “Franco-German Intercultural Management” which passed on all the experience that he gained through the numerous cooperative efforts he has been involved in over past years. The film is an indispensable part of the training programs launched as part of this company's internationalization process.

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