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Paris, 2024
Pateau Consultants is conducting several cross-cultural sessions for Sonepar, a leading technical solutions provider to electrical industry professionals.  

Lyon, March 12th, 2024
Jacques Pateau is Key Note speaker at the annual EMEA meeting of EJ, the world leader in access solutions. Topic : "The importance of culture for sustainable development."

Paris-Bonn, February-September 2024
Pateau Consultants continues to support Buyin, the JV of Deutsche Telekom and Orange through on-line and face-to-face coaching and cross-cultural training. 

Mannheim, September 24th-25th, 2024
Prof. Pateau facilitates a cross-cultural seminar for MBA' students at the Mannheim Business School, the leading business school in Gerrmany 

Events / 2023

Some highlights of the year

GC-Gruppe, think local, act global
Francfort-Paris-Amsterdam, April-October, 2023

Pateau Consultants has been selected to accompany the European growth of GC-Group, a specialist wholesaler for bathroom supplies, heating, electricals as well as civil and industrial engineering. The cultural dimension is one of the key priorities of this company established in 16 countries. The first “Bridges” were launched at top-management level and in two transversal functions : IT and logistics. Objectives : sharing how history, values, cultures of each company may impact on cooperation, developing cultural (self) awareness and trust.

Witt-Weiden, working across cultures
Villeneuve d’Ascq-Weiden, April, 2023

After numerous actions for ATU, the German automotive services market leader, Pateau Consultants had the opportunity to work again with colleagues of the same Bavarian city in the Upper Palatinate. This time it was for a subsidiary of the Otto Group, Witt Weiden, a leading German clothing mail order retailer. To foster French-German cooperation a cross-cultural seminar was run near to Lille with the key actors of the commercial operations sector. Objectives: Increasing sense of belonging, clarifying roles and responsibilities, mastering mechanism of a complex organization.  

Bridges New Comers for Buyin
Bonn, Paris, Chaudfontaine, February-September, 2023

13 years after the creation of Buyin, a procurement joint-venture between Deutsche Telekom and Orange more than 600 participants have already attended the “Bridges” seminars for new comers in the company. In the meantime the focus is not just to address French and and German cultures, but to extend the scope to a multicultural approach, due the high level of cultural diversity within Buyin. The objective of these sessions is still to master cultural differences, to improve concrete day-to-day collaboration and cooperation spirit.     

In and off-line sessions for Sonepar
February-November , 2023

Sonepar is the world leader in the distribution of technical equipment and solutions for electricity professionals. This year Pateau Consultants continued to run on-line modules with small mixed groups taking into account the different time zones : Europe-Asia vs. Europe-America. Despite the virtual challenge many teams from more than 20 countries came closer together, shared perceptions, increased cultural knowledge and developed cross-cultural skills. At the same time some presential sessions were run in Paris, mainly for newcomers . 

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